finally, let's talk about the chocolate that we love and hate.
ordinary chocolate eats fat. I don't say much of it. But in recent years, the high purity of the black force is beginning to go on. It's called the rich flavone, which protects the heart, reduces blood pressure, anti - aging, and even lowers blood pressure...
unfortunately, [b] is really pure black chocolate... It is estimated that few people can eat, the taste, the bitterness of [/b], unspeakable...

and the manufacturers for the good to buy chocolate, obviously not so, you eat the black taste is good, although it can taste the strong chocolate taste, but the [b] is not hard to swallow it hard to swallow it? That's because there's a lot of sugar in it! [/b]
remember that we said that [b] sugar + oil is the strongest long meat combination, [/b]? Chocolate itself is oil, plus full and seasoned sugar. Oh, I don't say much about it. (read [url= Target= __biz=MzA5NjQwMTQxOA==&mid=214629567&idx=1&sn=279755d045d030ebfc03c9810c9d727d&scene=21#wechat_redirect:1wm3pcvs] sugar or fat, who is the real killer of obesity?! [/i][/url:1wm3pcvs])
although high content of dark chocolate is better than ordinary chocolate, it has too high sugar content. It's too high to talk about healthy food.
suggest: [b] make yourself black and smart, healthy and delicious! [/b]
true love chocolate, fat reducing period can be replaced by sugar free defatted cocoa powder + skim milk + substitution.
if you want to bring convenience, you can also make your own healthy sugar free black and smart.

at the end, I still want to emphasize a cruel reality, the vast majority of businesses, completely don't care about the fat you eat.
you must know that real healthy foods are often susceptible to poor taste, unable to stimulate appetite and stimulate continuous consumption. And more oil, more sugar, more complex flavors, and then put on the so-called "health" slogan, not only to satisfy your appetite, but also to meet your heart needs, sales are also saving!
so simply... In order to sell and sell money, they can blow everything out.
[b] wants to eat correctly. When choosing food again, we must take a good look at their nutritional labels and compare the contents of various related nutrients. In addition, conditional is the best way to do it, oh [/b]