the staff of the Ji'nan calendar, entrust the inspection agency, take away the four bags of duck blood, all the other sealed. In Ji'nan's Industrial South Road, the Chongqing Swan shop, the staff of the food and drug administration is busy, and people have been working since last night.

in this store, law enforcement officers found nearly six cases of duck blood produced in the 90% food factory in Juxian, except for the twelve bags that were taken away, and all the rest was here. After the

the program was broadcast, the food and beverage Bureau of Ji'nan and Juxian responded and picked up samples to check them back. I believe that after testing, we will give us a satisfactory answer. To see this, Xiaobian no longer dare to say that he is a senior eat goods, did not distinguish between true and false eyes, eat delicious, unhygienic and what is the use?