origin: life times Author: Hu Chuqing
"one day an apple, doctor away from me" Proverbs are all strangers. In everyday life, the apple is more like a Cinderella, no appearance, no expensive price, everyone has eaten it, but it does not necessarily know it... It is such a fruit that has become the most popular fruit in the world.

the world's most popular fruit
how to select the most popular fruit in the world? An American blogger called the "courage fish" made such a boring and interesting experiment: searching for all the available fruits in Google, the apple topped the list with 413 million pieces of information. Followed by oranges, bananas, strawberries, and so on. The blogger also said in the article that he wanted to enter "apple" and "fruit" in order to avoid searching for information about the Apple Corp, but, after all, "the impact of apple on contemporary culture and manufacturing can also reflect the popularity of this fruit."
professor Zhang Wen, Professor of Agronomy and biotechnology at China Agricultural University, explained: "it can be said that apple is the most important fruit in the world. At present, there are more than 80 countries in the world to grow apples. China is the largest producer, and Fuji has become the world's largest cultivar. What is the concept of apple production exceeding 60 million tons per year? Assuming that each apple weighs 200 grams (medium Fuji Apple), the world eats nearly 400 billion apples a year, which has a direct entry, and a lot of apple, apple juice, and jam are sold all over the world.
Wang Xiaowei, a senior agronomist at the Institute of forestry and fruit research, Beijing Academy of agriculture and Forestry Sciences, told the life times reporter that there are many reasons for making apple famous. First, Apple has strong adaptability and suitable environment. Second, apples are stored in storage and can be stored for years. "The apples we eat this season, except for some precocious galas, all last year." Zhang Wen added. Third, apple is easy to process, and can be made into many kinds of food, such as wine, fruit juice, jam, dried fruit and so on, which further expands the edible range. Fourth, apple is crisp and nutritious, which is suitable for the taste of people around the world.
research also found that apple is a very ancient "fruit". According to the Daily Telegraph and the Sunday times, August 29th, about 60 million years ago, a disaster that made dinosaurs extinct was the birth of the apple tree. Besides being a food, Apple also reflects the progress of human civilization. It has been summed up that "four apples that affect the world": the apple that Adam and Eve had eaten became the origin of human origin; Paris won Venus with a golden apple; the falling green apple led Newton to crack the riddle of gravity; Socrates found Platon with a wax apple test student.
food GP
in the "Memorandum and inquiry" published in February 1866 described apple as "eating an apple before going to bed, the doctor will lose the job", the changing proverb has been quoted for nearly 150 years. Although the expression is exaggerated, Cheng Yiyong, director of the Chinese Nutrition Society, has said that apple is a "healthy fruit in all directions". It is rich in organic acids, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, polyphenols and flavonoids. In a list of the world's healthiest foods, apple ranked first and became the real "king of fruit" because it was "nutritionally dense", "natural delicious", "easy to buy," and "everyone can afford it."
Barbara Cami, an organic food expert of the US Department of agriculture, said the source of "acid" and "sweet" in apple is also very beneficial. Although the apple is highly acidic, but not harmful, its acid is made up of 90% malic acid and 10% citric acid; the sweet taste of the fruit comes from sucrose and fructose, both are natural sugars and diabetics can eat it. In addition, mature apples contain 80% water and zero fat, which are very suitable for dieters; an apple is equivalent to the 1/4 of daily needed fruits and vegetables; the apple is high in potassium and low sodium, which can partly neutralize the high salt diet of modern people. In addition, Apple also has toothbrushes, chewing it to clean teeth and kill oral bacteria.
the United States' discovery health website has also recently reported that apple contains three special "star ingredients" in addition to known vitamin C, which has a lot of health benefits. Pectin: this soluble fiber can help lower blood pressure and blood sugar. It also helps to reduce the "bad cholesterol" level in the body and, like other cellulose, helps the digestive system maintain its health. Boron: this apple is rich in nutrients, can strengthen bones and brain. Quercetin: an apple containing a variety of flavonoids that can reduce the risk of cancer, including lung and breast cancer, and reduce the damage to the free radicals to the body, and delay the occurrence of all kinds of degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease.
eating apple's four big problem
Apple nutrition is good, but there are still many questions about species selection and eating methods.
question 1: do you want to peel apples?
"this has always been a disagreement." Zhang Wenshuo: "apple peel is rich in nutrients, but people are worried that there will be pesticide residues. In fact, the current regular planting of apples, basically all in line with the standards of no public pollution, and in the apple 'when they are small' has been 'bag', the basic contact is not pesticide, can be washed directly with water. Generally speaking, the fruit shape is neat, the fruit surface is smooth, the color is light, the difference between the different fruits is smaller, often is the bagging production. " Jiang Weibo, a professor of food school at the China Agricultural University, warned that the cheap apples bought in the mobile vendors, or the mixed fruit in the residual Apple products, were more likely to be contaminated by pesticides and were more safe to eat after peeling.
question two: which apple is the most nutritious?
from red Fuji, Huang Yuanshuai to Australian green apple, "although the appearance of these apples is very different, but the content of sugar and organic acids is different, the nutrition is almost the same." Zhang Wen said, but from the taste and taste, golden crown soft, Fuji hard, green Ping acid, Guoguang sweet, you can choose according to their own preferences.
question three: how many apples do you eat every day?
Fu Jinru, director of the Tianjin nutrition society, said the food guide for Chinese residents suggested eating 200 - 400 grams of fruit every day, basically a big Fuji apple. "But there is no need to adhere to the" Daily Apple ", 3 to 4 times a week, you can interspersed with other seasonal fruits. In addition, because Apple has a hard texture, it is best to chew slowly when eating, so as not to gulp down, so as not to damage the stomach and intestines. The best time to eat apples is between two meals. Fu Jinru said that apple as a meal can provide the body and brain needs moisture and nutrition, but also can bring satiety and reduce the amount of meals eaten.
question four: can fruit juice jam replace apples?
Jin says, in the processing of Apple products, fruit juice has the least nutritional loss. Jam may lose part of its water-soluble vitamins because it needs heating, and it will add more sugar. Dried fruit can be divided into two types: freeze-dried and well preserved, with high nutritional loss and high heat. Other Apple products also include cider, which is mild but mild, and the elderly can drink a little. Apple vinegar has weight loss effect, but try not to drink on an empty stomach.