source: Qilu Evening News reporter Yin Mingliang intern in the red beautiful

Amomum is not only a taste of traditional Chinese medicine, but also a kind of seasoning used in hot pot, spicy hot, flavour and so on. There are many stew chicken and stew spices in the market, which have the shadow of Amomum. However, a reporter's investigation found that the Amomum sold as spices is basically "Li Gui", mostly replaced by ginger and Alpinia.
Yizhi is not a spice
"the Amomum bought by the supermarket", and how it is not the same on the Internet? "Recently, there are people who have bought two kinds of Amomum from two supermarkets, not only two kinds of Amomum nuts, but also the appearance of Amomum in the Internet.
according to the public's reaction, reporters visited several supermarkets and found that this is indeed the case. In the seasoning dry goods area of Carrefour supermarket in Lishan Road, with a mixture of Zanthoxylum bungeanum and star anise, a whole bag of "Amomum" is placed on the counter, priced at 102 yuan per kilogram. In the big run hair store, the reporter did not find the bulk of the Amomum, but in many stewed pork stews, the ingredients of "Amomum" were found in the same manner as Carrefour sold. At the seven Libao store in the Tesco supermarket, the "Amomum" bought by the reporter is different from the first two supermarkets: the small dried fruit, which is marked with the "sand" of the Amomum, is not only half the size of the former, but the color and the seed are different.
is there many varieties of Amomum? Reporters take two different kinds of "Amomum" bought from the supermarket to the big drugstores in Jiefang Road. The identification of the staff of the drugstore has made the reporters some accidents. The two kinds of workers are not Amomum nuts.
"Xiao Yizhi Ren" is also a traditional Chinese medicine, but it is completely different from Amomum villosum. Amomum is a spice, but Alpinia is not. For larger dried fruits, pharmacist staff told reporters that they had never seen it before, and did not know what it was.
"this is called Alpinia Zingiber, there are dozens of Leng, because it is similar to Amomum villosum, also called false Amomum villosum, but Amomum villosum is not a thing." After many twists and turns, Mr. Feng, who has been engaged in Chinese medicine business for many years, has uncovered another real identity of false Amomum villosum.
a half
the size of the peanuts and the size of the peanuts, full of hairy little pimple, as well as the true body of the Amomum, the reporter seeks in the size market. In the end, it is found that the fragrance market can not find the true body of the Amomum.
a number of supermarkets and food markets in Ji'nan, where there are some places to sell in Amomum, not the Yizi Zingiber, but the two will not appear at the supermarket at the same time.
in the seven Liebao market, the reporter turned around the two floor seasoning area, each store sales of "Amomum" or "fragrant sand", the price is 30 to 40 yuan per Jin, but not the real body of Amomum.
"the one you're looking for is Mao Sharen. It's too expensive to sell." For a reporter describing the appearance of Amomum villosum, a seasoning seller told reporters. In the interview, there are even some businessmen who have never seen the Amomum reported by the reporters.
almost all the market, the reporter only found a spice seller to sell real Amomum, but to the warehouse to take, "the outside is Kasa Hito and Yizi Amomum, you want Mao Sharen a jin of 80 yuan, can be twice as expensive, less sold, so basically do not put out."
people should be careful if they eat fake Amomum villosum.
Alpinia Zingiber and Alpinia Fructus can be used as a condiment.
in the "classification of GB/T21725-2008 natural spices" started in October 1, 2008, Amomum was included in the spicy natural spices, but the name of yamaoshan and yizhjen was not found in the standard. In the Chinese Pharmacopoeia (
), which was introduced in 2010, Amomum villosum and Alpinia have no name.
Amomum is usually used as spice, but Alpinia is not. The efficacy of the two is also different, the former is wet and appetizers, the latter is warm kidney and firm essence, and can not be taken at random. Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor of Chinese and Lu hospital, doctor of traditional Chinese medicine told the reporter, because of both the bitter taste, the market appeared to use Yizhi Ren to impersonate Amomum, "Yizhi Chee is much cheaper, but Amomum is Amomum kernels, sand is the alias of Amomum benevolence, there is no theory of benevolence."
as for another kind of wild Amomum villosum, Yuen said that he had only heard and never seen him. According to his understanding, Alpinia officinosa has certain medicinal value, but in normal dispensing process, basically no one to use, very few people know, hospital pharmacies are basically not. As for the effect of eating on the body, she did not understand.