Home stir fry, it is sure to be a vegetarian, but is it really healthy to eat vegetables? You must have some wrong way of eating vegetarian dishes, and you certainly don't know.

1, small fire stir fry
vitamin C, B1 are all afraid of heat. Therefore, avoid cooking with small fire, and stir fry. Moreover, adding a little vinegar is also good for vitamin preservation. Some vegetables are more suitable for eating in cold dishes, such as cucumbers, tomatoes and so on.
two, long stored vegetables
office workers usually like to make a big purchase a week and eat vegetables in the home. It is time saving and convenient, but it is necessary to know that a large amount of sera nutrients, such as spinach (20 degrees C), will be lost for every 1 days. For one day, the loss of vitamin C was as high as 84%. Therefore, vegetable storage should be minimized. If the storage should also choose dry, ventilated, avoid light.
three, lose the most vitamin
some customary vegetable processing methods also affect the content of sera nutriment in vegetables. For example, there are people who sell bean sprouts in order to eat bean sprouts. In fact, the vitamin C content of bean paste is 2~3 times higher than that of bean sprouts.
for example, when the dumplings are stuffed, the juice will be squeezed out, and vitamin will lose more than 70%. The Saer's right way is to cut the vegetables and mix them well with oil, then add salt and seasoning, so the method of oil and cabbage will not have much soup.
four, the dish does not eat
many people like to cook the food well in the pot and put it in the pot. This will also lose a lot of nutrients, think of the hard food, because it does not eat immediately and make the meal become unnutritious, it is a pity. When
five, vegetables do not drink soup
vegetables, a lot of nutrients in the vegetables are dissolved in the vegetable soup.
six, the dishes that are first washed and washed
canteen often chew the dishes and put them together in order to save trouble. Many people do not think so. In fact, a lot of vitamins will flow into the water of seel.
seven, prefer to eat fried
a lot of weight loss people believe that meat dishes can reduce the fat intake Saer, in fact, vegetables are more easy to absorb oil.
eight, eight, raw vegetables do not clean
now vegetable pollution is more and more serious, there are all kinds of pesticide and parasitic bacteria residue seer, so the best to eat vegetables clean, peeling.
nine, vegetarian eating meat
more and more vegetarians, although it is beneficial to prevent arteriosclerosis, but a vegetarian is not the same: first, people must eat a certain amount of cholesterol from the meat every day, the right amount of cholesterol is also conducive to cancer prevention; two is a simple vegetarian diet will lead to insufficient protein intake, It is easy to cause digestive tract tumor. Three is the insufficient intake of vitamin B2. Four, because vegetables are generally lack of zinc, vegetarians are also prone to severe zinc deficiency. A better way is to eat according to your physical characteristics. It can not only achieve vegetarian effect, but also avoid vegetarian damage to the body.