[color=#0000FF] the address obtained by this method is invalid for the IE6 browser.
you need a file rename when downloaded, or after downloading the file, rename the file [/color]
because the file is on the foreign server, so the download speed is slow. I have only 10-20k/s
the following text to be reloaded from http://www.yziw.net/archives/2197.html
now SkyDrive can't be directly entered File pages, just go into the directory.
1, enter SkyDrive---.gt; select a good classification for example (Music) ---.gt; get the character

after the last = symbol to get such a link based on this picture below: [url:1wmrixxh]http://storage.live.com/items/ The character
2 behind the [/url:1wmrixxh]= symbol, paste the link copy and paste into the address bar, and get the XML list

this section is the available address of the external connection
"butterfly love flower".Mp3
this section of this section The address available for external connection is the final URL address.
for example: http://storage.live.com/items/6AB5BAF5019C460B! 000
3, this step is the same as before, in fact, the structure of the URL does not change, the change is hidden. Use XML to parse the file!
test the connection, and if you can hear MP3 playback, this method is still valid:
[url:1wmrixxh]http://storage.live.com/items/6AB5BAF5019C460B! 659[/url:1wmrixxh]