Lao Geng uploaded the learning data of Office 2007 on the Godaddy free host and received Godaddy's traffic overrun mail notice on the 5 last month to see what would happen after the overrun, so it hasn't canceled that host until this month. The flow of space does not return to zero.
Godaddy will send me an email with the title of "Bandwidth Warning: Monthly Bandwidth Exceeded" every day. The contents are as follows:

in April 28th and May 9th, the title of "[b]Product) Ication[/b] "mail, content as follows:

traffic is really expensive, even GB traffic is 1 dollars, but can no longer be renewed, that is to say that the host can be canceled. After the landing on the Godaddy website, the $54 payment order automatically appeared in the shopping column.

to this, many people may doubt that [b] will affect the use of the domain name [/b], and whether it can be [b] to delete the host and then a new [/b]. So Lao Geng made an experiment with his account.
host traffic overrun will not affect domain names using
for more than a month now, testing domain names are all normal. So you don't have to worry about Godaddy's free space flow problem that affects the normal use of domain names in
2010 in May 9th 20:41:17 update:
just again to Godaddy to see, the new host can be configured, configured Pending Setup state.

configuration complete:

Godaddy's host traffic can be deleted after it can be deleted and then new, the traffic will be zero, that is, the data and the configuration will be all lost, it seems that Godaddy is also enough. It's thick.