one is that tea is colorless and still rushing, which is indifferent to the guests.
two is derived from the previous point of disrespect to people, is not serious, and the effect is not significant.
in addition to these tea ceremonies, there are no lack of "wine full of respect, tea full of bullying", "tea three wine four bald peach two".
"wine is full of respect, tea is full of bullying", besides the meaning of "seven tea, three points", the tea cup is too full to be hot. It makes the guests inconvenient to end the cup, and sometimes it will be broken and embarrassed to the guests because of the hot tea cup.
, of course, these tea ceremonies above are not raw, but natural and natural. They are respectful to each other when drinking tea with others, to be honest with others. This is a decent ritual.
because if the heart is courteous and sincere, tea will naturally be reflected.