origin: ornate

(pictured: Wheeler couple)
2007, after the lonely planet was sold to the BBC news network for 133 million dollars, 66 year old Wheeler No longer have to swim, but that's not the case. At the beginning of this year, he chose 22 different Budget airline company flights, from London to Melbourne, Australia, to revisit the milestone of his life for a month.
is not romantic - small seats, long airport security checks, and occasional delays, but last weekend, Wheeler said in an interview with Ubud Writers and Readers Festival in Bali Island, "I really enjoy it." His new book has not yet been published, which reviews the dripping of air travel in the area, records the astonishing growth of the Budget airline company, and the pioneers in the field.
lonely planet's travel guide was originally derived from his trip to England / Australia. At the beginning, the target crowd was to swim in Asia's baby boomer Backpackers, but move in time, Wheeler said, "at first, we wrote books for ourselves, and we grew older, with money, and children, and these books changed. It is not deliberate to do this, but we are changing, and books are changing. " In the year of
2013, BBC sold the franchise of lonely planet to Kentucky tobacco millionaire Brad Kelley due to its loss. In this regard, Wheeler is very disappointed. "This is a disaster. After buying the lonely planet, the car should be refueling and speeding up, and when they get it, they ask, "what should I do?" "Slow down."
he said that in any case, the guidebook industry has matured. "No one will do what we did years ago. If something is to be done at the moment, it will be totally different and unpredicted. I don't know what it is. If I know, I will do it myself.
he will continue to travel and write in the future. When he first heard that the former president of the United States, George W. Bush (George W. Bush), said the "axis of evil", the first idea was "I'm going to go there" when the "state of sponsoring terrorism, the state of Iran, Iraq, and North Korea".