is the island tied up by tens of thousands of mineral water bottles? Can you live? The experience of this man should be: it was not reliable before. Because there were two failed Island experiences before he built the island. The island he had worked so hard to save was blown away by the typhoon.

after two consecutive strikes, he did not give up the dream of making the island, and thought it pain, and summed up the reason why the floating island was unreliable. He spent 7 years in the "seven years of grinding a sword" and designed and built this "paradise" in the sea near Cancun, Mexico. It named the island "Joyxee".

the master of the dream of the "paradise" in the dream of the small island, has a new trouble. Faced with such beautiful scenery, no one shared with himself, which is too painful for him. Despite two failed marriages, the 62 year old is still trying to find his soul mate.