in his social media, he sunk the island photos every day and finally met the "confidant" of his life. He invited the 47 year old Japanese former supermodel Jordi to live together on the island. When Jordi first landed on the island, he decided to live on this island and bring unique feminine flavor to the island.

Jordi said he had a lot in common with her. She thinks she is living a life of her dreams. Under the supervision of Jordi, the life of the island is becoming more and more convenient. The toilet is used and the solar power is used. The two of them lived a life of "a fairy family".

although it lives on a small island of mineral water bottles, the demand for the quality of life is a bit of a difference. He made a toilet by himself, and made himself a stone audio system. He usually does not forget to play music and create works on the island. Amateur life is very rich.