his ideal: hope to live forever. The environment of the cave was proud of Xu Wenyi. He used cement to build the three character of "West cave" at the entrance of the cave. "I never felt lonely. I could read." Xu Wenyi read most books about metaphysics. Meditation is Xu Wenyi's homework every day, and it takes about half an hour. He would burn incense in the incense burner, and then climb up the wooden ladder from the hole to the top of the cave, which is relatively flat and suitable for sitting around. "I usually take Tianshui." Xu Wenyi opened the mouth of the cave and filled it with water. There is no electricity here, and candles can only be lit at night. There is no noisy market, only wind and bird talk.

for his own "practice" for the purpose of the interview, Xu Wenyi some of the evasive words, "is nourish". But under questioning, he admits that he wants to live forever, even if he is dead. "He just wants to be a fairy." Ouyang Qiming, a Bi Village village secretary, told reporters that he came to the summit to persuade Xu Wenyi to be null and void. Xu Wenyi's nephew revealed that occasionally villagers laughed at Xu Wenyi's "when to become immortal". He always replied "fast."