gradually, Chen Tianwen found that sometimes he walked on the road, met the villagers in the face, and wanted to say hello, but the villagers turned around or put their heads down and pretended not to see him. In the village, there was something to notify, and the villagers did not want to enter the door. "There are so many children in the family, and the smell is not good enough. People in the village do not want to come to my house." The picture is for a family to go home from school together. Guo Qian

not only the villagers, but Chen Tianwen's eldest son Chen Junwei. One day in 2002, Chen Junwei clashes with his parents again. During the dispute, Chen Tianwen put the secret hidden in his heart for many years. "In fact, you are the same as them. I was raised by them." This sentence made Chen Junwei run away from home at an unbelievable moment. The picture is for a family to go home from school together. Guo Qian, a reporter for the evening news / legal system