origin: life times Author: Nie Jay
many people through the news media have learned that some centenarians do not take the old feat, all this How did it come true? What are the key factors that can sustain vitality in the old age? The United States news and world report web site recently reported the anti aging secrets of six elderly people. Their language is simple, simple, honest and direct, and easy to follow.

(for map / CAP)
"do not eat too much at night, otherwise it will be ill." Stanislav Kowalski, 106, said in an interview with the daily mail of Britain. Some studies have shown that if you eat too much greasy food at night, the body tends to store these calories as fat instead of burning it as energy, which can lead to weight gain and a variety of health risks. Therefore, the time of eating will have an important impact on health.
"exercising every day is my routine life routine." Ada Colin, 101, said in an interview with the New York Times. Exercise is a part of daily life, making it programmed, just like brushing and bathing. Over time, any repetitive and thoughtful practice will make the brain's nerve connections stronger and stronger. Letting physical activity naturally become an integral part of your life will also make your muscles stronger and stronger.
"I just want to move on, and I don't want to go back." Ida Kling also said in an interview with New York Times. To set realistic goals for your life, start with simple and small things, and once you achieve them, you want to set more challenging goals. Instead of going to the marathon race in the fall, for example, jogging 2~3 times a week; do not make a 8 kilogram weight reduction in the next month, but do 45 minutes of high intensity aerobic exercise every week. Achieving these small goals will motivate you to achieve greater goals.
"everything is modest, positive, and grateful for the things around us." Lauretta Tejit, 100, said in an interview with USA today. Mental attitude can affect health. Mental health has a wide influence on physical and mental health, including cardiopulmonary function, sleep mode and body posture. Maintaining a willingness to grow, love learning and care for others will allow people to open the door to the mind, be willing to accept new experiences, promote the bursting of innovative ideas, and better take care of themselves and the people around them.
"the family made me very happy." Suzanne Mosshart Jones, 116, said in an interview with us national public radio. This is also the health concept advocated by Robert Val, a psychiatrist at Harvard University. As director of the adult development laboratory in Massachusetts General Hospital, he carried out a 75 - year follow-up survey of hundreds of American men to examine factors affecting the well-being of adults. His main conclusion is that forming and consolidating good interpersonal relationships, especially family relationships, can help people live healthier and longer lives.
"sleep well, eat well, live long." Ogawa Misao, 117, said in an interview with the Daily Telegraph. Many studies have shown that sleep plays a key role in immune function, metabolism, muscle growth, memory, learning and other physiological functions. If you are a chronic insomniac, you need to work hard to get enough sleep. For others, it is not necessary to make excuses for less than 7~8 hours of sleep every night.
"I have participated in many interesting activities." Mey Luis, 104, said in an interview with the American fashion magazine, "return to innocence", which advocates the concept of simple life. Research shows that the new experience stimulates the brain in a strange way, exposing the body to the new environment, and is conducive to the growth of new brain cells. These new activities, such as playing tennis, playing harp and learning baskets, can stimulate their senses and challenge their potential so as to improve their physical and mental health.
don't eat too much, exercise hard, set goals, let loved ones around you, sleep well and develop new interests. These ideas are neither fresh nor fashionable, but they are really good for health and longevity.