2013, August 5th, in Xiaguan, Dali, Yunnan, in the cafe of a five star hotel, Hong Qiang met a caring person who was willing to financed his college. He was somewhat restrained because it was the first meeting. Xu Xiaolin /

2013 August 6th, Dali, Yunnan, Xiaguan Town, Liu Hongqiang is reading a donation agreement. After understanding the plight of Liu Hongqiang's family, a Yi people of love donated 20 thousand yuan and commissioned a local media trusteeship to finance Liu Hongqiang's University by monthly remittances. Xu Xiaolin /

2013, August 6th, Dali, Yunnan, Xiaguan Town, Liu Hongqiang in a donation agreement press the fingerprints. After signing the first contract, Liu Hongqiang whispered to reporters: "if I do not study well in college, is this money still to be paid?" Xu Xiaolin / photo