1984 was born to give up his work for more than a dozen years, and chose to take his wife back to his hometown to start a business. In June this year, Feng Youlin and two other friends in Hubei invested the sheep base together, imported 348 sheep from Hubei.

in order to take care of the flock, you choose a small wooden house in a deep mountain. In the shack, there are only two books on sheep technology except a laptop, two beds and an electromagnetic stove. "Though I am poor and lonely, I still like it very much because I am sticking to my dream of becoming rich." The friend Lin said with a smile.

each day, Yau Lin, together with two professional keepers, will herd a group of goats to the wild. In the gap between sheep and sheep, a good learning friend Lin will take out the goat's breeding books and learn technical knowledge. "Raising goats is not so easy to get out to eat grass every day. Epidemic prevention is also very important. When to hit what needle and what medicine to feed, they are very particular about it." Speaking of "aquaculture", it is the head of the forest.