7 day, heavy snow in Dalian, Liaoning, and the sanitation workers Wang Xiyi 17 hours. Clothes were dampened and rice was too late to eat. They could only take time to eat a few steamed bread. They could not bear thirst. They would eat snow and quench thirst.

they said that the most desirable thing is to drink hot water. We call on them to build rest stations, provide heating places and hot water.
Wang Xiyi and his wife are ordinary sanitation workers of Xintiandi environmental cleaning Co., Ltd. Wang Xiyi is 36 years old and his wife is 26 years old. Considering the economic situation of the family is not very good, the two have never wanted children.
Mr. and Mrs. Wang Xiyi 17 hours
12 month 7,
7 day this day is not much different than usual, the couple, as usual was 5:30 in the morning g5:30 loaded with a wheelbarrow full of sanitation tools to the class.
12 7, three or four p.m.
a sudden snowstorm broke the calm of the day. It was too big to sweep until three or four p.m., and it was covered with snow when the road was clear.
12 month 7, 23
7 day night, both husband and wife can not rest, from the snow stop start with the cleaning class a dozen people have been dry to the middle of the night more than 11 points. The two of them had no time to eat dinner. They could only take time to eat a few steamed bread on the road.
their hard
17 hours
17 hours for the couple to do the snow and the couple is the general sanitation worker of the new Tiandi environmental cleaning company, Zhou Shui Zi. On the 7 day, it was no different from usual. The couple still pushed the trolley filled with sanitation tools to the class at 5:30 in the morning. A busy rush to sweep the whole day, a sudden rush of snow, broke the calm of the day. "At that time, I didn't feel so big. I swept it until three or four p.m. it was too big for me to get covered with snow." Wang Xiyi said, on the evening of 7 nights, the couple could not take care of the rest. From the beginning of the snow stopped, a dozen people in the class cleaned up until more than 11 o'clock in the middle of the night. The two of them had no time to eat dinner. They could only take time to eat a few steamed bread on the road. Without a piece of vegetables, the couple immediately began to work after eating the steamed bread with a bottle of mineral water.
"my sweetheart took a broom to sweep the snow on the road, and I shovelled the snow into piles." Wang Xiyi said he usually works at 5:30 in the morning and gets off at 5 in the evening, and it takes twelve hours a day. In December 7th, when it began to snow heavily, Wang Xiyi worked overtime to clean up the road for 17 hours. I went home for a little sleep and had to go to work at 5:30 in the morning. The snow stopped is the order, good in 7 days of snow, although it is big, but stop still in time, the sanitation workers are 24 hours of standby, no matter the snow to a few points, as long as the snow stopped immediately to move snow, to ensure the smooth city road.
they had to bear
two people home. All the socks could wring out of the water
it snowed suddenly, and Wang Xiyi was not able to go home and change clothes, and he was in the morning when he went out in the morning. The sweater kit is a small cotton padded jacket, a thin work uniform outside, and those old cotton shoes on the feet. It's still snowing in the zero weather. Is it cold on the outdoors for a day? "It's not cold. If you work on your upper body, it's warm. It's not cold at all. It's sweating." At that time, I could not attend to it. I felt cold and cold when I finished my work and went home. It's cold and soaked.
when he worked, he was sweating heavily, and the hot air on his body melted the snow, and the wet clothes and trousers were wet. Needless to say, feet are soaked in snow, cold and cold without feeling. "At home, it was midnight, and when the socks were taken off, I wrung a lot of water and were tired of washing, so I went to sleep on the heating." Wang Xiyi said he was embarrassed about his socks and laughed awkwardly.
they have no choice but to
they all work as cleaning workers. No one takes care of
Wang Xiyi is 36 years old and his wife is 26 years old. Considering the economic situation of the family is not very good, the two have never wanted children. The couple now rented a small house with his mother's mother in the vicinity of Zhou Shui Zi, and Wang Xiyi's parents were also in the Zhou Shui Zi. Two people went out to work in the morning without light. They can't take care of their parents. The elderly people can only take care of each other.
rent a house, water and electricity, and the monthly expenses of the family spend more than half of the two people's wages. When I go to work, I take 1 hours' lunch break. In order to save money, two people rush home to eat. Do more dishes the night before, and go home at noon to make the meal very hot and hot. After that, you have to rush back to the class and continue cleaning in the afternoon.
they are satisfied with
a cup of hot water can warm the heart of the sanitation worker
in the winter, Wang Xiyi takes a hot cup in hot water to drink. The cold weather brings warm water in the morning and cool in the afternoon. Sometimes the water is not enough to buy a bottle of the cheapest mineral water. "Sometimes when someone looks at me for water, he says to me, 'don't buy it. I'll have some hot water for you. Give me a cup later, and thank you very much. It's very warm. A cup of hot water can warm the hearts of these simple sanitation workers. A little charity can warm them all day.
people moved
a snowing photo of the snow in the snow. A heavy snow on
7 on a netizen gave many people to the industrious sanitation workers. The second day of the heavy snow was Monday morning on the 8 day, and many people were afraid of getting on the road early by the fear of snowboarding, but they found that the road was not as bad as it was imagined. The snow on the road surface has been cleaned, and the snow piles are neatly arranged on the roadside. This is the result of the night workers working hard all night.
net friend Xuan Xu came home last night when he accidentally took the scene of the sanitation worker to eat the lunch box on the side of the roadside, and then published it in the circle of friends.
for urban beauticians. Since the sanitation workers are responsible for the cleaning of street hygiene, the cleaning environment is called "street angel" and "city beautician". But in reality, these so-called "angels" and "beauticians" do not match their titles completely. Their work is not only often discriminated against, but also has low safety factor, long working hours and poor life support.
in fact, everyone can do something in caring for the sanitation workers. If everyone wants to be an "audience", love will diminishing. There is no lack of love in our city. It is understood that many businesses and citizens in Dalian are involved in the activities of caring for sanitation workers. To send a sanitation worker to the street, a smile, a caring greeting, a glass of hot water, and a shelter from wind and shelter. And the simplest and most direct thing is not to litter, to put an end to car windows, and to contribute more to our city.
after December, several cold air bombardment, Dalian instant into the "frozen state", the day is a day after a day, and in December 7th, it has been heavy snow. On Sunday, the 7 afternoon, when the people were holding a hot window in the warm home to look at the snow, some people put down their brooms in the ice and snow, and wrapped their cotton clothes more tightly.
start the snow removal plan along with
7 day
start snowfall, each snow removal unit begins to clean up at once according to "follow the following following" principle.
snow increase, the city's city division of snow command started a snowfall plan, the city's urban division of snow command immediately invested more than 5000 workers, 470 mechanical equipment, more than 800 tons of snow melt agent, push, sweep, sprinkle mechanized operations. The public security traffic police started the two level traffic control plan, dispatched more than 1200 police forces, and took measures such as intersection dredging, closed regulation and other measures to direct traffic and ensure smooth roads. On the basis of ensuring the normal traffic of the 5 cities, the City Transport Bureau dispatched 58 snow removal and anti-skid teams, 151 vehicles and 16 snow removal machinery.
through unremitting efforts, the main roads, bridges, slope roads and detours in the city were all opened up.
all roads in the city are all smooth.
the main and secondary road snow cleaning up.
8 day
in order to prevent road icing, 8 days before 6 hours, each unit of the snow removal again on the main and secondary roads, bridges and slope road, the road sowing snow melting agent.