origin: the synthetic
carcinogen of Phoenix Buddhism refers to the "bad substance" that can induce human cancer, and its category includes any increase in human cancer risk. Chemistry, physical substances, life and working methods.

never think of eating this carcinogen after meal (picture source: Network)
the source of carcinogens in the environment is very wide, some from nature, and from artificial synthesis. The carcinogens in nature can come from plants (such as cycas, Huang Zhangsu), bacteria (such as Escherichia coli to synthesize thiamine, intestinal microflora to synthesize nitrosamines under certain conditions), fungi (aflatoxin, Fusarium) and so on. But many are from artificial synthesis (such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, amine compounds, anticancer drugs, etc.), industrial products (such as some chemical raw materials, dyes, pesticides, drugs, etc.) or daily living environment (such as cigarette smoke, food cooking thermal cracking products contain a number of carcinogens).
chemical carcinogens in the environment are many ways to enter the human body, mainly through the digestive tract, respiratory tract and skin contact. So what can we do to reduce the risk of carcinogens to the body? Today, the food that is recommended for you can help us to better eliminate carcinogens in the body.
pear contains rich vitamins, dietary fiber and calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine and other trace elements. Eating pear often not only prevents constipation, but also promotes the excretion of carcinogenic substances in the body.