four season bean deadly toxin: the fatal mechanism of saponin: if the beans are not cooked, the saponin in the bean will strongly stimulate the digestive tract, and the bean contains the coagulin, which is used for coagulation. In addition, kidney bean also contains nitrite and trypsin, which can stimulate the body's stomach and intestines, causing food poisoning and symptoms of gastroenteritis. Detoxification method: in order to prevent the occurrence of kidney beans poisoning, we must thoroughly boil the beans and cook them.

cassava lethal toxin: the lethal mechanism of linolen: Although the root of cassava is rich in starch, its whole plant parts, including roots, stems and leaves contain toxic substances, and the fresh roots are toxic. Therefore, we must pay attention to eating cassava root. Cassava contains toxic substances called linseed bitter glycosides, if ingested raw or uncooked cassava or drink its soup, may cause poisoning. The reason is that linseed glycosides or linseed glycosides are hydrolyzed by gastric acid to produce free hydrocyanic acid, thereby poisoning the human body. If a person ate 150~300 grams of cassava, he could cause poisoning or even death. Detoxification method: to prevent cassava poisoning, peel before eating cassava, use sweet water to soak potato meat, and make cyanide glycosides dissolved. Generally, it can remove 70% cyanide glycosides in about 6 days, and then cook it again and cook it.