yesterday, the Institute of crop science, Wuhan agricultural science and Technology Research Institute "academician expert workstation" was officially listed in the northern park of Wuhan agricultural science academy, Wuhu, Huangpi. Yuan Longping, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, is the father of hybrid rice. Academician Yuan Longping and his team will guide the Crop Research Institute of Wuhan Academy of Agricultural Sciences to carry out the breeding and research and development of major crops, especially polyploid rice, and provide scientific and technical advice and talent training.

what is polyploid rice? Polyploid refers to individual cells containing 3 or more than 3 sets of chromosomes. At present, the commonly planted rice, including super hybrid rice, is diploid, that is, 2 sets of chromosomes. Rice polyploid breeding is another green revolution after polyploid transformation from diploid to rice after high stalk to Dwarf Rice and common rice to hybrid rice. The experts of the Hubei University and Wuhan Academy of agricultural sciences have gone through more than ten years, breaking through the technical bottleneck of the seed setting rate of polyploid rice only 30%, making the seed setting rate up to 80%, and tackling a series of theoretical and technical problems in the process of polyploid rice from laboratory to field and to field planting. At the unveiling ceremony of
, Yuan Longping said: "polyploidy is a new development direction of rice breeding, and the yield per unit area may exceed diploid in the future. All along, the poor seed setting rate is the biggest difficulty of this technology. The achievements made by Wuhan experts are important breakthroughs.
China's rice experts have been working to improve rice yield per unit area. Today, the highest yield can reach 1026.7 kg, exceeding 15 tons / ha. Yuan Longping, 86, said: "there are many people in China, and more than 60% of the population live on rice. Our rice yield is far ahead of the world and the next step is to tackle the target of 17 tons / ha. I would like to work with experts in Wuhan to realize these super plans before I am 90 years old! "