Don Jacques (Don) in his wife Babett After the death of cancer, she planted 4 miles of sunflower to commemorate her.

sunflower planted by Jake.
"when you wake up to make coffee, think of me in the morning air. I'll be here forever. "
a man in Wisconsin (Don Jaquish), Don Jacks (Don Jaquish), has planted a sunflower to commemorate her after his wife, Babett (Babbette) cancer, and helps others fight cancer.
according to Buzzfeed, in November 2014, Babet died after 9 years of struggle against cancer. Jake and bast's daughter, Jennifer White (Jennifer White), run a farm in European Claire, Wisconsin, where they planted nearly 4 miles of sunflower fields on the farm.
"she always likes flowers, but her favorite is sunflower." "They are very compatible with Babett's character," he said. She is a person who can walk into a room and make the room shine.
this sunflower field starts from the side of the expressway and crosses five other worlds, attracting many lovers of sunflower seeds and outdoor crops.
4 years ago, Babett persuaded him to start planting sunflowers to help other people suffering from cancer. His neighbors sold their farms near the roadside to Jake, and the price was as much as he liked.
"they all love Babet, and anyone who has met her will love her." Jake said.
the farm in late summer jacks will pack the sunflower seeds with a bag with Beit smiling face and name it with "Babett's hope seed". The official website of
"Babett was the mainstay and strength of our family, but in 2006, she was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. During the 9 years of struggle, she and her family have suffered countless painful treatment, hospitalization and long distance setbacks. "Babett is a mother, a wife and a daughter, and is a sister and friend to many people," the official website statement said. Her struggle ended in November 17, 2014, but her experience still gave us hope.
Jake also opened the sunflower field to outdoor enthusiasts and promised to see "countless birds, deer and other wild animals" while walking in the field.
Jake to the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) said Beit was very "modest", so he didn't know if he would be happy to put his late wife's picture on the package, but "she was so beautiful that she didn't know her beauty was inside out."
fourth months after her death, Jake discovered a text she had hidden in the envelope.
"you have to go on and enjoy your life," wrote the letter. "When you wake up to make coffee, think of me in the morning air. I'll be here forever. "
and Jake said he could feel his wife in sunflower.