a sudden emotional instability of a 21 year old boy with mental illness, It ran up on the 3 floor and jumped down. When the 63 year old security officer Ren Min Qiang heard the cry for help, he hurried over and caught the 190 kilograms of ANN son with his hands. At present, two people, except for many fractures, are no longer life-threatening.
"if it's not security help, I really don't know what to do,"
security guard Ren Min Qiang is 63 years old and has worked in this hospital for more than ten years. When he heard the cry for help, he rushed out and saw An Zizheng crossing the guardrail on the 3 floor. When he saw him jumping down, he hurried to catch up. He kept the son safely. But the impact was so great that the two fell to the ground together. Because of the violent impact, Ren Min Qiang collapsed on the spot. The people who heard the news sent the two men to the Honghui hospital.
doctor: two per person without life risk
was sent to the hospital, Ren Min waked up and shouted: "I'm okay, first to see the child." Ann's mother said she was moved to tears when she heard that Ren Min Qiang said so. After diagnosis, there was a stable fracture of the pelvis. The vital signs were stable. Ren Min Qiang's fracture of the left arm and right leg, two of them need to be admitted to hospital.
in order to facilitate the care of the hospital, the hospital specializes in the arrangement of ANN and Ren Min to a ward. After two days of treatment, Ann and Ren Min have no life danger and have entered the rehabilitation stage. "Although the baby age is only 21 years old, but the weight has more than 190 Jin, so high place jumps down, is not the security guard delivers promptly, the consequence is unthinkable." The mother of Ann said.
save the security: everything is good
yesterday, Ren Min strong lying on the sick bed, left arm and right leg covered with gauze, his wife is feeding him. After the incident, the wife had been taking care of the bedside. To save lives, Ren Min Qiang said, "nothing was thought of at that time. I only wanted to save the children, and I rushed up."
writing / drawing reporter Wang Tao