for health care, there have been many rumours and many soil methods in the anecdotal. But experts point out that there are some health care methods that you take for granted that you have always been using are wrong. There are mainly ten kinds of common mistakes in health care. Let's correct them one by one today.

error: the only advantage of this way is to raise the chin
the only advantage is not to flow the nose to the floor, but not to stop the nosebleed. Instead, it will let the nose flow into the throat, and may even cause vomiting and stifling. Interest. The correct way is to plug a small ball of cotton ball in the nostrils of the nosebleed, gently press the nose, and tilt the head forward, or an ice towel or a wet towel around the neck to stop the bleeding.
error two: scraping armpit hair, can reduce sweat
scraping armpit hair has no effect on preventing sweat production, but after shaving axillary hair, the armpit leaves sweat stains on clothes because the water can not be hidden. Moreover, the hair shaving can easily cause abscess of the hair root. The correct way is to wash sweat axillary before sweat breaks down.
error three: sweat is smelly
sweat is tasteless. However, sweat contains a lot of organic substances. These substances are nutritious to bacteria, but when bacteria decompose sweat, they will produce unpleasant excrement.