Liu Yanbo: many classic books or basic books should be read more than ten times. The ancients said, "books are read by a hundred times to see themselves." Another shortcut is a lot of students who have the same hobby in the same field, together with a reading group, each student chooses a book, and then after 1 or 2 weeks, you can elaborate on the feelings of the books you read in a day. The number of the group should not be too much, and the 3-5 people are better.

"fifteen years of Wanli"
surging news: what type of books do you like to read? What are the changes that these books have brought to you?
Liu Yanbo: I must read books about science and technology, because this is the foundation of my life. The profession and profession you choose must be responsible for yourself. Learn to like it and appreciate it. And slowly develop a professional habit. Historical books, such as historical commentary, such as "Han Wu Emperor", "fifteen years of Wanli", "Kangxi the great", "Leyasu Tokugawa", because the history of reading can be clear. Books of literature and philosophy, I like to read "group books", "Tao Te Jing", "Shuo Wen Jie Zi", "the complete works of South Huai Jin", this kind of book read 100 times do not feel much, the more read the more taste. Every time I feel different.
surging news: which author do you like best? What aspects of him attracted you?
Liu Yanbo: I like Mr. Feng Youlan and Mr. Nan Huai Jin's books very much. They built a world of philosophy. The philosophy world should be possessed by science and engineering people. This will help us to establish logical thinking and conceive the whole future technology field.

Feng Youlan's "the history of Chinese philosophy"
surging news: do you like reading books through paper media or electronic media? What does it give you a different experience?
Liu Yanbo: I prefer paper books. This kind of book has a special flavor. I also like to write some small notes in the book, and write the feeling of reading at that time. Then, after a period of time, the feeling at that time will emerge again, and many times, I will be moved by myself. Even if I was childish at that time, it was the most real and pure self show. E-books are more convenient to carry. I have Kindle myself, but I prefer the feeling of paper browsing.
surging news: what is the biggest change that reading brings to you?
Liu Yanbo: reading can make people wise and see things more diversified. While reading, we are actually communicating with readers. It is in this process that we can cross the span of time and communicate with each other. The process of reading enables us to know the diversity and unity of the world. The world is one yuan, but at the same time, it is pluralistic and very subtle. When you are dealing with others, you are more capable of thinking for others.