at 10:30 every morning, the officers and men can meet the first ray of sunlight, and the sun will be "down" early in the afternoon, and the people who have long been frozen are shivering. In the depths of the mountains, the weather is extremely cold. Soldiers often sleep at night in bed with the vole. They are accompanied by mountains. The most painful thing is loneliness and loneliness. In the mountains, empty and desolate coexistence, let a person have some helplessness. But the officers and men found a way to make fun of it. There are a lot of wild dogs here. The wild dog "rhubarb" is also home under the careful care of the soldiers. And last month, there were 7 lovely puppies. The soldiers asked the outgoing supplies to buy small bottles to feed them, to name "little bits", "small flowers" and so on. These "soldiers" were in harmony with them. Said: "the new year is coming soon, we can not go home for the new year, we can stand post and guard, as long as the motherland prosperity, the people's well-being, we are happy!"
not because of the difficult conditions and yell, not because of the distance to relax requirements. These soldiers, based on the hard environment, worked hard in hardship, built in painstaking efforts, persisted in the system, trained strictly, striving to be advanced, and accomplished the tasks entrusted by superiors. These lovely, affable, respectable armed police fighters who are selfless and loyal to the party and people write their loyalty to the party and people with their practical actions.
the author volunteered: this group of photographs was taken by me when I was a counselor when I was stationed in Plateau on 2009. At that time we were responsible for guarding a local hydropower station, which was the No. 1 post, 3 kilometers from the camp, and the conditions were very hard. I recorded the life of the soldiers with the camera in my hand.