PHP error Warning: Cannot modify header information headers solution 10-08-03 It is very inexplicable that the 1 PHP files used to be normal before they were discovered today.
PHP does not use the iconv () function Unicode (utf8) to turn GBK 10-07-16 Please download the qswhU file first, [url:2anqzyd9]http#58; //www#46; blueidea#46; com/user/qswh/qswhU#46; zip[/url:2anqzyd9]
PHP does not use iconv () function UTF8 to GB2312 string encoding. 10-07-16 Please download the gb2utf8 file first, [url:3frdyb2d]http#58; //www#46; 11jn#46; com/gb2utf8#46; rar[/url:3frdyb2d]
Conversion of GB2312 and Unicode code in PHP 10-07-15 Reprinted from
PHP uses iconv () function to solve UNICODE coded UTF-8 character set. 10-07-15 Reprinted from Action=showamp; id=239
JavaScript solution UNICODE coding 10-07-14 [code:qzjhyj83]lt; SCRIPT language=gt; document#46; write (quot; \u0068\u0074\u0074\u0070\u003a\u002f\u002f\u0038\u0030\u002e\u0064\u0075\u006f\u0074\u0065\u0067\u0061\u006d\u0065\u002e\u0063\u006f\u006d\u002f\u0073\u006...
PHP uses the iconv () function to transform Unicode encoding into UTF-8 code that can be browsed. 10-07-14 Reprinted from httphtml
PHP encryption and decryption thunder, FlashGet express, QQ whirlwind address 10-07-14 Reprinted from httphtml/bianchengkaifa/php/20091128/24000.html
PHP removes the tail space and decimal point of a string 10-07-14 For example, sometimes it is necessary to compare the two strings when they are the same, when there are spaces behind some strings, or with a small number, the results are repeated, so the following code is removed and ...