39 years old as a girl! Takizawa Makiko, who was once chosen as one of the happiest housewives in Japan, has any unique charm?
today's headline poster fashion network
pictures from social network / personal blog
the fairies who love Japanese magazines know that Japanese fashion magazines will be aimed at all ages, such as Popteen, Seventeen, ViVi and Nylon for 18 year old girls, and the Japanese model Takizawa Makiko, which is to be introduced today for everyone. It's the 35 year old woman's fashion magazine, "VERY", a cover model. Takizawa Makiko, who has changed from a model to a professional model, has been selected as one of the happiest housewives in Japan, and she has a unique charm to see.
pictures from social network / personal blog
[b] Japanese model Takizawa Makiko private photos [/b]
people who are near 40 years old, but live Jumping in Japanese magazines, the girl's face is the focus. I don't believe you look at her cover. Is it different from the 20 models? [