[b] in the face of growing garbage and pollutants, how should we deal with it? Recently, Latitude investigated 270 children aged 8 to 13. [/b] perhaps the answers given by children do not bring much constructive advice to the present environment, but they have shown us the role of technology in their eyes.

for example, the 12 year old girl from France, she feels that human beings can design a robot that can eat any garbage it sees and can still classify it. After that, the robot can also use mechanical arm and manipulator to transform garbage into other objects.

maybe robots will steal human work in the future, but 12 year old girls from Czech Republic think there will be a kind of robot that loves garbage in the future, and people can be responsible for feeding them.

a 11 year old boy from France thought of a kind of 3D - like garbage disposal, that is, to let the machine swallow and squash it, then the fan is cooling it, and the machine spit out at the end. All kinds of new objects.

this idea may not be realized, but it's quite creative. A 10 year old girl from the United States said, "I think we can deliver garbage to the virtual world of video games. But after entering the virtual world, it is no longer garbage, but another new object.

the idea of 12 little boys from France does not seem to be advisable. The little boy thinks that human beings can transport rubbish into space.