How do the slow parents of the baby eat?
eat slow food is not in fact, chewing slow pharynx is also conducive to health, if there is no urgent matter, children eat slowly, parents should not lose their temper. The problem now is that sometimes the time is relatively tight. Adults want their children to have a quick meal, while their children can hardly get up. Parents think that this is a slow habit. In fact, this is only one of the reasons. If the child knows that there is a particularly interesting game waiting for him, he will not be able to play late. Will he eat so slowly? Obviously not. Therefore, parents anxious children is not urgent, which is also an important reason for children to eat slowly. In this case, parents must repeatedly tell the urgency of the matter to the children, and clarify their consequences, such as slow will be late, late will be criticized by the teacher, and can not wear red scarf. If you make things clear, children are still so slow, then you must let him take the consequences for his own slow. Many children can't concentrate on their meals. This is also a reason for slow eating. After just eating a few meals, they turn to pictorial newspapers or look around. This is obviously a bad habit of living.
for such children, parents can adopt "intensive training to motivate.Quot". On the one hand, parents should create a good environment for children to concentrate, on the other hand, to put forward goals, according to the actual situation, the children are required to eat within a certain period of time. When the child has worked hard to meet the parents' demands, he gives him an incentive, such as a pentagram or a red flag, and after the accumulation of 10 incentives, parents will meet a child's request, such as an award for an animated picture, or a book he loves. In this way, the habit will become natural.
in the use of the above behavior correction methods, there are a few noteworthy points:
first, let the children join together, work together to set goals and plans, the whole process with the child to adjust the speed of advance;
Second, do a good record every day, so that children and you can see Progress, in order to enhance confidence;
Third, to determine the rewards and consequences, be cautious, must be realistic, feasible;
Fourth, must be said, persevere;
fifth, ensure that the other adults in the family are consistent with you.