3 year old goddess Alexis in Arizona, USA Martin's IQ value is as high as 160 points, comparable to Einstein and Hocking.
China new network February 17, according to foreign media reports, according to foreign media reports, Arizona in the United States, a child of 3 years old, a lot of children at the age of 3 are still working for 26 English letters, Alexis Martin has learned to use iPad to study Spanish, and to read the grade of primary school five - year level books.
it is reported that Alexis Martin had a 160 point IQ measured earlier, with Einstein and Hocking and other physicists, who had been selected for Mensa.
Alexis's father said that she was so intelligent that she could recite the story that she had heard the night before at the age of 1, and would not use the wrong words. Of course, her daughter is too smart to upset her parents. Alexis's parents are hesitant to let her go to kindergarten early.
doctors say Alexis should not go to the ordinary school because, according to the experience, a gifted child will have a high degree of anxiety if he gets along with a mediocre person of the same age for a long time.