Why do you insist on taking old black and white standard photos in the studio instead of taking your own camera? The latter can also use its own software to make itself beautiful. Liu Yan replied, "one is that the old style photos are better preserved, and the second reason is that the pictures can not be taken, and the real spots and wrinkles can see the marks of the years. If each photo is made very young, it makes no sense."
2012 photo

this year, Liu Yan and Bowen have married 22nd anniversary, but after a detailed number of photos, they found the one less 2000 and 5th anniversary. For the two of them, this is also a small regret. For too long, they can not remember precisely what is delayed. "In fact, another time, because of the child's education problem, we both had a bit of a displeasure and didn't take pictures on time. Later, every time I look back at a picture, I feel regretful. At the same time, I would like to make a reminder to try not to get angry about small things. " "This is because of this little regret, and it is more real and valuable," he added. Last May, bwen had moved from Dalian to Shenyang in May, and Liu Yan also ran a yoga hall in Dalian. The two people were close to living in a near life age. This also led to a delay in shooting the wedding anniversary this year. "But it will come back this month, and I don't want to leave any regrets anymore," Liu Yan said.
2016 photo