Wang Dao Chang raised a puppy named little bear, where she went, where the dog followed. Tao said, raising dogs shows that there is fear in the heart and dependence on dogs. Therefore, she always wanted to give the little bear to her relatives and concentrate on her training.

end Nanshan is deep and wide, even if there is a dog company, Tao long in the mountain is still very small. It is especially difficult for a convent to survive in the mountains. Wang said long ago, when the wolf was crying in the middle of the night, he followed up with a stick to see it.

"not to practice the spirit" "no desire to have just" is a word often said by Wang Dao Chang. She always said that the people who live in the mountain practice do not eat the smoke and fire between people. Before they are repaired, they are still mortal, hoping that the young people of the present time are not. To be misled. In spite of this, there are still a lot of people visiting the mountains in the four seasons. For this reason, Wang Daochang hangs on the sign of "shut the customs without disturbing" at the door of his mountain house, hoping that it will not be disturbed.