when Wang Gang's children get to school age, they go back to Xi 'an. Wang Gang said: "at the end of 08, we opened online shop training, business has been very good, the days are getting better every day." Some temporary computers at home are gradually becoming sons' desks.

Wang Gang said that his living room had a maximum of 19 computers, hired people to practice, and each computer guaranteed to play games with two or three accounts. The biggest cost is the net cost, all fiber is fiber, one year net fee electricity bill is good tens of thousands, everyone with full of passion, from 9 o'clock in the morning to 12 o'clock in the evening, except eat, almost do not stop playing games.

"a long time, the eyes can not bear, but also affect the children, in the practice of the people also slowly dispersed. In the past, from the "big talk" to "paradise" and then to "World of Warcraft". Now mainly play QQ games, earn relatively stable, a month is basically five digits, at least a lot stronger than working. " Wang Gang sighed.