Qilu Evening News reporter Liu Feiyue
day before, Kei social workers and HSBC volunteers jointly lead the elderly volunteers and community orphans, older, alone. The elderly living in the city conducted a unique mutual help picking tour. A total of 33 elderly people participated in the event. They were divided into 5 different teams. Each team selected a small captain to form a group with a HSBC volunteer.
under the guidance of volunteers, each group has a very meaningful name, like.Quot; very 6 1.quot;.Quot; old and young.Quot; red cherry, happy tour and so on. Among them,.Quot; very 6 1.quot; representing 6 ladies and 1 men,.Quot; old and young.Quot; the group had the oldest old and the youngest volunteer in the group.

picking process, the volunteers not only bear the safety of the elderly, but also help the elderly take the pickled vegetables and fruit, the elderly are more help and mutual help, you help me pick some chili pepper I help you pick a bit of leek, just like a blind date The family of love.
after lunch, people share their own food from home,.Quot; I eat you an egg and you divide me a pancake,.Quot; One of the aunts was locked in the car, and all of them were separated from their lunch to the aunt, and the aunt moved to say.Quot; although the meal was very simple, it was the best meal I had eaten.Quot.
finally, through the form of game interaction, leads people to share the feelings of participation in this activity. The volunteers are moved by the spirit of the spirit of the old man and the spirit of mutual help and mutual assistance between the neighbours. The elderly expressed their appreciation for the trip to HSBC and the social industry organization. Many of them had little chance to go out, and now they were happy to come out and pick them out with the help of everyone.