Training and cultural innovation activities are the extension of books.
what is the most popular crossover?
after reading the impact of e-business and e-book, people's reading needs are more diversified. It is this diversified demand that businesses see. The influx of young people into bookstores is just like the influx of Starbucks into the public space of other levels in the past few years.
in addition to the pressure of rent and the impact of e-commerce, many physical bookstores are at a bad time. After the impact of e-business and e-books, people's reading needs are more diversified. It is this diversified demand that businesses see.
a person in the industry has put forward his own opinion. Behind the boom of the entity bookstore is the improvement of people's material living standard, and the "house culture" which is deeply rooted among the young people, and more people have a demand for the public space of the spiritual level. American sociologist Ray Odenberg once put forward the theory of "third space" in the book "great good place". For a city, a bookstore can be said to be a "third space" with a temperature. In the past two years, the operation mode of cross-border bookstores has just emerged as a result of the creation of a new "public space".
"if we say which model we are studying, that is sincerity." Xu Xin said, "we can not learn the mode of Beijing Wansheng Book garden, but the model provided by Cheng Ping and pioneer bookstores can let us learn and go on." Founded in 1989, the sincere goods bookstore is the representative of the successful operation of the private bookstore. The founder and chairman of the Taiwan bookstore, Wu Qingyou, described the book bookstore as "the collective creation under this social time and space illusion." Cheng pin's model is not only a bookstore, but first it plays a brand name, and then makes use of brand strength to realize the compound operation of shopping malls, bookstores and retail. Take the first flagship store built in Suzhou as an example, which includes bookstore, literary salon, experimental theatre, painter studio, cultural apartment and so on.
the latest statistics, "coffee" is listed as the most preferred cross boundary format for bookstores. The others are aesthetic / artistic / creative products, food / red wine bar, 3C digital, exhibition / theater / activity space, home, clothing / ornaments, harp, flowers, photography, antique transactions, training schools, hair / SPA/ yoga. . "
" if the Xinhua Bookstore of Quancheng road has retained the traditional and cultural atmosphere of the old bookstore, the Xinhua Bookstore in Shandong book city pays more attention to the combination of tradition and fashion, and the combination of books and non books. Shandong Xinhua Bookstore Ji'nan branch of the marketing department in charge of the person in charge of the introduction, "the positioning of the Shandong book city is a multi-functional and one-stop large-scale cultural complex based on books, compared with the past, we do pay more attention to the experience."
Bookstore survival crisis has been relieved?
how to form a stable profit model for the book bar and other independent bookstores, it is a difficult problem in front of. It is a dream of many bookstores to integrate the money of simple "selling books" with the so-called "sideline" to integrate itself into profits and losses. "
the bookstore that has changed the business mode and model will be easy to worry about?"
"the current book bar has formed the layout of East, middle and West, one in the high and New Zone Software Park, and the other two in Heng Long square and harmony square respectively." Xu Xin introduced, 3 stores a year "toss" into about 1000000 yuan is very normal, tried various types of activities, creative, marketing and promotion model, but also the only agency of the Amazon Kindle in the north to get the hand. But how to form a stable profit model is a difficult problem for the poly bar and other independent bookstores.
"bookstores sell books outside, and there are atmosphere, circle of identity. For example, the flower god cafe in Paris is not only for coffee but also for Sutter and Beauvior to talk about the atmosphere of literature and life. Xu Xin said that pin Ju also hopes to create such a space, and doing activities is a good way to improve the cultural atmosphere. "We tried a jazz concert this year and started trying to sell tickets. 100 yuan and one ticket sold 80. The result was very exciting." After the concert, the publishers and the cultural community, including some real estate agents, have found a collection of products, hoping to cooperate with some of the theme activities. Xu Xin said, but relying solely on these can not make profits.
one phenomenon is that the bookstore can only provide light food. After the end of the activity, the coming readers will go to other merchants to eat, and more than 100 people often come to the end of their activities. "How to retain customers and let them stick here for a day is the profit model that independent bookstores need to explore."
in order to try out the new business mode, Xu Xin revealed that the bookstore in Jingyu, Jingyu, is creating a new bookstore. "This is a bookstore, a supermarket, a noodle shop, a gymnasium, a bookstore that contains many kinds of contents, such as eating, drinking, reading and moving. As a forerunner, we also hope that our own business vision can lead China's independent bookstores to achieve profitability goals. " It is a dream of many bookstores that
can combine the money of "selling books" with the so-called "sideline" and integrate itself into profits and losses. Xu Xin believes that the sincere bookstore is undoubtedly in the front, but the mainland's many physical bookstores are still in the transformation stage. "Sincere products have persisted for 20 years, and we have persisted for 3 years. These 3 years have been lost. Only a year is less than one year. We hope to continue with the help of the government, and will not go to the old road of triple and far away."
reprinted from the Ji'nan daily