4 month 12, Ji'nan university students worship Confucius. On the same day, the memorial ceremony for Spring Festival in the Spring Festival was held at the Confucious'Temple of Ji'nan. In April 12th, Zhang Yong, a student of Ji'nan University, paid respects to Confucius. Zhang Yong, a new society of Chinese and new society, took the first, suboffering, and final three gifts to Confucius in the music of the "salty and the" music from various institutions of higher learning, industry and commerce, and the people from all walks of life in Shandong.

4 12, Ji'nan university students worship Confucius. On the same day, the memorial ceremony for Spring Festival in the Spring Festival was held at the Confucious'Temple of Ji'nan. Zhang Yong

representatives from various institutions of higher learning, industry and commerce, and people from all walks of life in various colleges and universities in Shandong.