go to Ji'nan Hutong to find those flowing springs - the Wangfu pool
according to historical records, even if the days are dry, the Wang Fu pool has never dried up. In some old people's impression, the pool of water gathered in the spring is very deep, and the middle can not be tested, but many people have learned to swim here. The water in the Wang Fu pool, along the channel north, through the west wall of the Zhangjia courtyard, out of the windy bridge, winding Water Pavilion Street, into the Baihua Zhou, and finally into the Daming Lake, it may be described as "a road of dwellings, green willows all the way, the scene of the road, the story of the road".
this unique city well is deeply infected with Liu E, which should be the real motive of his later creation of the old book of old remnants. In this novel, his poem, "family spring water, household Yang Yang", is originally a description of the spring landscape of the Wangfu Chi Zi street, now it is a symbol of the image of Ji'nan and a city with the soul of the spring water. When Liu e, who grew up on the Yangtze River, wrote "the travels of the old remnants", although he had left Ji'nan for more than 10 years, the spring of Ji'nan still often flowed in his dream and became a part of his life.
today, walking on Wang Fu Chi Street, though the ground slate path has been replaced by the asphalt pavement, from those remnants of the green tiles and grey tiles, from those that still have a hundred years of custom, it seems to be from the springs flowing through the murmur. I can also feel the excitement and peace of the past. If you often visit here, you will find that every summer, in the high water period, the Royal pond is still deep and quiet, the shore willow willow, the real world of impetuosity separated. No matter how stressful in work and life, people will still gather here, tea, chess, fishing, while enjoying a few tranquil and leisure, and also to carry out a real life of the recharge.