Dichotomy search modification for phpBB3 Chinese Forum 10-02-25 Reprinted from http://www.phpbbchina.com/forum/viewtopic.php? F=23amp; t=3338
Add new posts to the left side of the post page. 10-02-23 Edit forum directory \styles\prosilver\template\viewtopic_body.html file
Phpbb3 retrieve the administrator's username and password 10-02-23 Login to your phpymadmin management, if you are not sure, please contact your website space provider.
Change this week's 5 Biggest back to the latest 10-02-09 Change this week's 5 Biggest back to the latest
The front page of the PHPBB forum shows the new forum and the big Friday. 09-12-09 Reprinted from http://www.phpbbchina.com/forum/viewtopic.php? F=12amp; t=3782amp; sid=159cb671501f1f1e1150696ee8fbc521
PHPBB3.05 Chinese version to modify the bbcode.html file, paste the hyperlinks and map clicks and open in the new window. 09-11-18 Using Notepad to open edit forum directory \styles\prosilver\template\bbcode.html file