济南英文简介City Jinan's intro
Can you imagine such a picture of an ancient city? Numerous city tower of remote years stand there serenely telling you centuries old stories,narrow paths made of stone scattered at every corner of the city, a jade belt like river winds around the city with verdant mountains mirrored in it,and on the banks pretty young girls wearing colorful clothes are laughing and marrying. That’s just what.
author:Lao She(1899-1966), a noted Chinese writer, depicted about Jinan in his prose.
Jinan Springs-earliest record, found in the oracle-bone inscriptions.
济南以“泉城”闻名于世,自古就有“泉水甲天下”的美誉。济南的名泉历史悠久。早最善于泉水的记载,见于春秋 桓公十八年其中有“公会齐侯于泺”的记录。公是鲁桓公,齐侯是齐襄公,泺是趵突泉的古称。古老经的趵突泉见证了公园前694年的两国国君相会之事。
世人常以七十二名泉,描述古城济南泉水之多。金代文学家元好问在 济南行记 中说:“济南名泉七十有二。”此后便有了济南七十二名泉之说。
Jinan has long been renowned as “city of springs”. The countless natural springs scattered through the city are honored as “the best under heaven”by people worldwide. The earliest record of Jinan springs could be found in the literary quotation “Lu Huangong net with Qi Xiang gong at Luo”extracted from “spring and Autumn Annals”,the official chronicle of the State of Lu covering the period from 722BC to 481BC, “Luo”here refers to the Baotu lake(Spurting Lake).、
It is often said that Jinan has 72 springs, as a matter of fact, the number is far beyond 72. Only the old city zone, covering an area of 2.6 square kilometers, boasts 136 springs, adding those in suburbs and county-level cities of Zhangqiu and Changqing and Pingyin county, that number amounts to 733, making Jinan peerless throughout the world with springs concerned.
The most charming and spectacular in the world
这是郦道元对于济南的评价,而清末小说家刘鹗在 老残游记 中“家家泉水,户户垂杨”的概括,更是家喻户晓,道尽了济南作为泉城的神韵。如果你走进济南老城区的大街小巷,居民院落里,随处可见溪流纵横、泉水淙淙。老花墙子街、江家池街、剪子巷一带,在丰水季节,几乎是街街淌水。这种独特的景象,至今保留在很多老济南人的脑海里。在泉水集中的老城区,很多市民都是临泉而居,家中院落里就有泉池,至今与泉水存在着难以割舍的关系。经年累月,则形成了独特的生活方式。泉水与居民、社区,和谐一体,形成一幅独特的民俗风景画。