three rare earth squeezed peanut oil (video screenshot)
Qilu net April 11th According to the Shandong television channel agricultural channel hotline village news report, in a lot of local peanut oil to become the livelihood of the public, some of the production of peanut oil workshop is also prosperous, products sold out of sale, peanut oil really green health, the reporter visited several small workshops in Heze.
a lot of buyers say that the peanut oil is 12-13 yuan per Jin compared to the famous brand of peanut oil, which is not only cheap, but also the stir fry. However, when the reporter said that the peanut oil was likely to have excessive aflatoxin, most consumers said they had not heard of it. According to the press survey, many consumers do not believe that the peanut oil produced on the spot will have problems, and they will not care much about the hygienic conditions of the small workshop. The ordinary small workshops are located in the home of village villagers, or on both sides of the road, many semi open simple buildings, the production workshop of the small workshop is mixed with the warehouse, and the steaming process in the room produces a lot of damp and hot steam, while the bagged peanuts are stacked at random on the ground and in the corner. Mildew, for peanut raw materials, many workshop owners are their own purchase selection, handmade to remove mouldy peanuts, the boss said that the mouldy peanuts do not produce oil. Can
artificial selection effectively prevent aflatoxin? Soil fried peanut oil generally has three processes, first, the artificial selection of mildew peanut, and then the peanut into the roaster, about 10 minutes, bake to seven or eight mature after taking out the treatment, the second process, squeezing out the oil, peanuts through high temperature and squeezing slowly produce oil, third, filter precipitation, through 2 simple passes through. The filter is deposited, and then loaded into the oil drum. The whole process does not add anything. Does
soil fried peanut oil contain aflatoxin? The reporter bought four kinds of samples from four fried peanut oil workshops, and bought two kinds of peanut oil from the supermarket to the Heze food and drug test center for testing. A week later, the reporter got the results. The standard for aflatoxin B1 in China is not more than 20 micrograms per kilogram. The content of aflatoxin B1 in sample
is 22.9 microgram / kg, exceeding the standard. Aflatoxin B1 was detected in No. two sample, which was 16.4 micrograms / kg. Aflatoxin B1 was not detected in the other two samples and brand peanut oil.
What's the harm of aflatoxin detected by peanut oil, the reporter interviewed Li Xiangdong, the chief expert on the peanut innovation team in Shandong's modern agricultural technology system. He said that the biggest toxicity was B1, which was identified by the WHO as one of the most carcinogenic compounds found at present, which is toxic to cyanide. 10 times as much as that of arsenic and 68 times as much as arsenic. The main reason for the super standard of aflatoxin in peanut oil is the mildew of peanuts. The small workshop has no strict quality control mechanism in the selection of raw materials, so the peanuts are easily mouldy in the process of storage and transportation. Li Xiangdong told reporters that in the process of shelling, in order to facilitate the disintegration of the shell to prevent the crushing of seeds, water will be added, so the humidity increases, and the condition of aflatoxin production is high temperature and high humidity, which creates conditions for the toxin production of Aspergillus flavus, and the small workshop is not in accordance with storage conditions, no ventilation facilities, no cooling facilities. Stacking should be far away from the wall. Conditions are difficult to guarantee.
in addition, there is no product name, production date, warranty period, contact mode and so on on the outer packing, and it is difficult to find the responsible person once the problem occurs. Therefore, consumers try to buy brand peanut oil in supermarkets, pay attention to whether there is QS logo, try not to buy peanut oil.