source: reference military compiling / Zhang Lin
The Associated Press, May, 15 daily said, a love letter lost in a house in New Jersey end of a love letter In 72 years later, he arrived in the hands of a veteran who participated in World War II.

World War II veteran Rolf Christoffersen.
Melissa Fay and her father found the love letter in the gap below the stairs when they renovated their residence in Westerfield. The letter was postmarked on May 1945, when a woman named Virginia was written to her husband, Rolf Christoffersen, who was a soldier of the Norway Navy.
Fahey told an interview in a television station in New York that Virginia's admiration and respect for her husband were incredible to her.
she found the couple's son in California, who read the letter to their 96 year old father.
Virginia has been dead for 6 years.
Fahey said, "I think this is his wife coming back and awakening the memory of her family again."