the sky collapses and the man is on top. Xu Jiangming, who did not wash clothes and cook before, began to dress up and take care of his wife's life. Xu Jiangming's workmate told reporters, "such a man can't pick one out of ten thousand."

the water at the entrance, he always starts a mouthful, try the temperature. Rice must be pasty and wife can swallow. The juice machine has worn out a few, and the grains are slightly larger, and the wife will choke.

the most difficult part is defecation. He uses his Enema Glycerini to help his wife defecate every day, and often needs his help: take rubber gloves and pick them out with her fingers. Xu Jiangming's family was very small and very simple, but there was no smell in his wife's illness. Everything was in good order.