" these paintings are all paintings of leisure and nothing. There is no time for the creation of these paintings, and there is no source of creation. It is what you think about. " Speaking of the source of the creation of the works, Yang Zengquan said to reporters with a smile that his works were all his random works, no one was instructing, and what he thought of when he had nothing to do. But when he introduced his works to reporters, Yang Zengquan could tell the meaning of each of his works. The picture shows Yang Zengquan presenting his creative paintings to reporters. The work is written in the "Changqing District of Ji'nan, Shandong". Qilu network reporter Zhang Wei

Yang Zengquan, the manager of the 6 apartment of the Shandong Institute of management. In addition to painting at home while resting, sometimes he also works on the night shift. "Sometimes, some students come back late, especially some important things or go to the hospital to see a doctor late, when the night shift, I wait for the students to draw, used to send time." These 130 works of Yang Zengquan were created in these free time. The picture introduces his work to a Yang Zeng omnidirectional reporter. Qilu network reporter Zhang Wei