"I'll always be with the three," and I don't know how many times, when Wang Ziping is out, he can always hear others talk about her in a whisper behind him. Some people say that there are only three mental patients in her family. It is not easy to rely on nothing. Some people say that if I had left early, borrowed money to raise my family, borrow money to see a doctor, and take care of three "madmen" all day, who could go on this day? Father and son three people can't work but enjoy watching. Especially when they see their neighbors going to the fair, they always like to follow. Worried about their loss or other accidents, Wang Ziping was always very nervous when they went to the market and coaxed them to stay at home. In the summer, even if you do farm work and go home late, and if the body is tired, she will also burn the hot water, so that the father and son three people will have a clean bath. Though they could not tell them what they said, Wang Ziping tried to tell their father and son something happy. In January 21st, Prince of Xinshao, Hunan, watched his little grandson to study his lessons. The two sons who love to see the bustle also come together.

a lot of neighborhood neighbors see Wang Ziping for many years to take care of the whole family, and say, "it's hard to do it for three months." Without her, the house would have been scattered. She is so difficult! "They often go to her home together to talk and chat with her. Some relatives advised her: "you are too difficult to meet a good man and go for another house." Wang Ziping said: "who will dare to ensure that life is not ill, now I am the pillar of the family, I will not leave this home, I go, the home will be scattered, I will always accompany the three." In January 21st, Prince of Xinshao took his grandson to the ground to pull out the radish in Hunan, and the two lively sons watched the past. The son of Xiaoxiang's son