Anna has passed all the stages of adapting to the new national life: from ecstasy to deep disappointment. A lot of things can't be seen in newspapers and TV. For example, Chinese people are superstitious to numbers. The number "4" sounds like "dead", so the Chinese try to avoid this number on phone numbers and car grades. Anna said that even the modern high-rise buildings in the center of Beijing did not have 4, 14 and 24 floors.

Chinese is very different. The southerners often do not understand that the northerners speak. This is the same as the cuisine. Every region of China has its own food. For example, Shanghai food is more sour and sour, and Sichuan food is more spicy. When Anna said that people in a vast Russia speak one kind of food and eat alike, the Chinese are always surprised.
the level of culture and health is worth speaking alone. Children often wear crotch pants so that they can pee everywhere. After living here for a long time, Anna realized that many internal problems in China lie in the fact that the cultural level of the Chinese people can not keep up with the economic level. 10 years ago, they might still be farming in remote rural areas, but now they drive around with expensive cars and spend a lot of money in high restaurants. Perhaps China realized in time that the people should keep pace with the development of the country, so now various schools and educational centers have been set up throughout the country.
Anna said her family had been unhappy about choosing China. Few friends fully accept and support, but now some people begin to envy her.
Anna has returned to Russia for a year and a half. She felt nervous and stayed at home for three days without going out. In China, she said she never saw drunks in the street. It's safer here. Anna said he did not like Russia. Everything is messy. Everyone is busy in China. Everyone has a lot of interests. There are areas of development and growth direction in China.
Anna thinks that although everything is good here, she knows that this is only a stage, far from the ultimate goal. This is a great starting platform, but here it will always be an outsider, even if it is proficient in languages and marries with Chinese people. This country has a place she can never understand. (compile / Tong Shiqun)
core tip: if a company has a European job, it is very respectable. Anna said, fortunately, in the field of education, she and Chinese are not competitors, and the vacancies and working conditions are different.