four p.m., Wang Huaijian's wife, Wang Xuanzhen, returned home from a nearby working hotel. Wang Huai said, "to buy a recording device, the sound of the film is not very good, and the later dubbing is too much trouble." Wang Xuanzhen smiled, then bought it and smiled at the reporter. "I have to support him!"

Wang Xuanzhen was Wang Huai's turn in Sichuan. In 2008, Wang Huai saw a volunteer performance in Wenchuan earthquake disaster area, and met Wang Xuanzhen, who was 16 years old. Then, two people returned to Liaocheng's home. Today, their children are four years old.

this smart Sichuan girl works during the day, cooks from work, and is ready to go to the nearby University of Jinan to set up the night market at night.