as an extension of the art and spirit of PHP, the basis of the Zend framework lies in the simple, object oriented method, the convenience of the license agreement of the enterprise, and the fast code library that has been repeatedly tested. The Zend framework aims to build a safer, more reliable Web 2 application and web service, and continue to absorb the essence from API of frontiers (such as Google, Amazon, Yahoo, Flickr, StrikeIron and ProgrammableWeb). The

Zoop PHP framework, which means the Zoop object oriented PHP framework for Zoop.
this is a stable, scalable and portable framework. From its birth to the present 5 years, it has been used in many product development. Zoop is a fast, effective and clean framework. Its scalability is very good. You can install only the functions you need.
developers who are not familiar with code can also develop secure web applications quickly through Zoop. Skilled developers can make the Zoop more flexible to the extreme.
Zoop recommends the separate use of display, logic and data layer (MVC).
Zoop is composed of many components and projects, including Smarty and prototype AJAX framework, PEAR module, and so on. Efficient core components provide many functions that you originally need to encode by yourself. Zoop's built-in error correction function can be configured to generate error logs in the production environment. This error log provides a lot of information, readable and easier to find and eliminate errors. One of the peculiarities of
Zoop is its GuiControls, which is quite innovative in PHP. It provides a lot of Form Widgets together with the complete collection of validation, and forms a framework that can easily create personalized GuiControls.

QPHP, which means fast PHP, is a MVC framework similar to ASP.NET. Basically it's the case:
integrates the sense of the Java and C#'s aesthetic
remove the meaning ambiguous language
a large number of OOP based concepts in the Perl form used in other PHP frameworks