now Gabi is 8 years old, and her friendship with crows has lasted for 4 years.
there are stories of animals in fairy tales, and I always thought it could not happen in real life, but the experience of Gabi Mann, a 8 year old girl in Seattle, Washington, shows that everything is possible.
Gabi Mann is a very kind girl. When she was 4, she found a number of crows going to their garden for food and began to keep some food there. I didn't expect the crows to start bringing something back. They brought some beads, metal parts, Lego and so on to Gabi. The story of the Raven feeding back is true!

this is the gift of crow sent to her
it is reported that since 2011, Gabby has a special group of friends. At the age of 4, Gabby always liked to drop food and crow nearby. They waited for Gabby silently, expecting to eat the bread crumbs that were dropped by the Gabby. As Gaby grew older, she began to feed these crows consciously. She often shares her lunch with the special friends on the way to the bus stop. It wasn't long before Gaby found that the crows would greet her at the station in the afternoon. In
2013, Gaby began feeding the crows on time. With the help of his family, Gabby filled the backyard with water, sprinkled some dog food on the grass, and put some peanuts on the feeding table. Soon after, the crows were used to standing on the wires waiting for Gaby to bring them delicious food.

for the crows, anything shiny is precious.