
the students prepared their towels and washpots in advance. Then, in the name of the small team, they invited their mother to Shao and Lao's farm in the Middle District of Ji'nan. After the farm, the children prepared hot water and let a dozen parents sit well. They took the pots, removed their shoes and socks to their mothers, and gave birth to their mothers with their own small hands. The feet of the cocoons are washed away from fatigue, and their feet are massaged by their filial piety for their mother's feet. At the same time, the children also performed filial piety sign language "mother" for their mothers, reciting the ancient poem "wandering chant", chorus song, "only mother is good in the world".
according to the teacher, mother's day, many pupils will choose to buy a bunch of flowers for their mother, make a card for their mother, or give their mother a blessing of words... But every time the students talk about the experience, the effect is not very good, and the main purpose of the collective foot washing is to let the parents understand the progress of the children, and let the children understand the hard work of their parents, thus enhancing the communication ability of the children and their parents.
many mothers moved to tears after the process of washing their feet for themselves. One parent said, "this interaction makes her feel very warm, and it also enhances the feelings and interaction of each other. It is the school in which the students are educating their parents from the usual bit. Thank you for the event." 銆€