"You are so close, come on, I can't support it now. My son is so obedient, and when you are quick, we all go to the sea to meet the wishes of my son..." Wang first cried and said to Yu Sheng near. Every day, she talked to Yu Sheng about the feeling of the day, so as to wake up her husband's memory. Wang Didi once asked for treatment fees in the industrial area. After paying the previous treatment fee, the contractor refused to pay the subsequent fee and asked for labor arbitration. However, labor arbitration takes a long time, especially in the near future. It will take a lot of money to follow up treatment, and can hardly wait for the end of arbitration.
the shabby ward, the son rubbed his eyes wearily and fell asleep in his mother's arms. Wang is now in an unprecedented dilemma. If you want to help Wang Didi and Xiao Heng Yi fulfill his wish, please add the public number: the Western Chu Lang rain.